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HealthTech: Benefits, privacy and pitfalls of telemental health

The University of Cincinnati's Kate Chard was featured in a HealthTech article explaining the benefits and drawbacks of telemental health services.

Telemental health services quickly expanded at the height of the COVID-19 pandemic, and the majority of patients say they prefer telehealth appointments for regular mental health visits.

The University of Cincinnati's Kate Chard, PhD, professor of psychiatry and behavioral neuroscience, told HealthTech that patients and providers alike enjoy the flexibility and time savings associated with telemental health services.

“Technology helps us see patients more often,” Chard said. "We’ve also found that PTSD patients are less likely to drop out of therapy when we use teletherapy. One of the biggest benefits of telehealth for me is it increases the likelihood that the patient will show up for the appointment.”

Read the HealthTech article.

Featured photo at top of telemental health appointment courtesy of iStock.