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LGBTQ couples in South Korea enjoy a rare legal win for health benefits

Ryan Thoreson, an assistant professor in the University of Cincinnati College of Law., spoke with The Wall Street Journal about South Korea's high court granting legal protections for same-sex couples seeking health benefits.

South Korean activists and lawyers say the Supreme Court’s recent ruling affects joint health coverage, but is likely applicable to a wider range of government services and entitlements.

Thoreson told The Wall Street Journal that once courts provide same-sex couples the protections afforded to married households, the argument against marriage equality for LGBTQ individuals becomes increasingly difficult.

Furthermore, the more visibility LGBTQ couples have in society, like Kim and So in South Korea, the more accepting the public becomes of such causes, added Thoreson, who is also a specialist on LGBTQ right for Human Rights Watch

“The public storytelling around these cases is essential for non-LGBTQ people to understand what’s at stake,” Thoreson told The Wall Street Journal.

Two-fifths of South Koreans support same-sex marriage, according to the Pew Research Center. That is lower than the Asia-wide median of roughly 50%, Pew said.

Thoreson, who received his JD at Yale University, is a scholar of contemporary social movements around gender and sexuality, constitutional law, comparative and international law and human rights law.

Read the full story from The Wall Street Journal story online.

Learn more about the scholarship of UC Law’s Ryan Thoreson online.

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